South Lake
Children’s Choir
Looking to Give Your Child a Social & Emotional Boost?
Music reduces stress and elevates mood.
Singing in choir promotes social inclusion and builds self-confidence.
Contact the SLCC today and give your child the boost they deserve!
Our Vision
Bring together children who love to sing
Teach children good singing techniques and music theory
Provide a positive community where children can connect with other children
Provide children the opportunity to perform
Teach teamwork and respect for others
Provide opportunities for children to grow in self confidence, performance skills, and music
“Children and music just go hand in hand. Children are natural performers, and when gently guided, turn into confident musicians as they grow older.”
– Gina Mobley, Director

Register Today!
Open to all children from 1st to 5th grade
Rehearsals every Thursday at 4:30 – 5:30 pm
The Spring 2025 season runs from January 16th to May 15th
Thursdays at 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
St. Matthias Episcopal Church
574 West Montrose St.
Clermont, FL 34711